3HO Foundation is a public, not-for-profit educational foundation registered to promote the teaching of Kundalini Yoga, meditation and other techniques for health and happiness. 3HO is not a religious organization. People of all faiths, ethnicities, ages, and abilities enjoy and benefit from the yogic practices.
Since the early seventies, Sat Tirath Ashram has implemented Yogi Bhajan’s instructions. This is one of the few centers which continue to house several students/teachers under one roof to assist each other in practicing the 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) lifestyle and to pass on and continue the teachings of Yogi Bhajan.
Celebrating it’s 49th year of continuous operation under volunteer directors, students, and residents, your donations help keep up the building and services Sat Tirath Ashram provides the greater Kansas City area. Please consider making a donation today.