Community Development

Sat Tirath Ashram, Sikh Dharma and 3HO are funded solely through the donations of its residents, students, and visitors to the community.  Contributions cover the maintenance of the buildings and land, utilities, equipment and supplies, insurance and taxes.  Although there is no paid staff, operational costs are high.  3HO and Sikh Dharma are public not-for-profit organizations 501 (c) (3), but property tax exemption has not been granted to date.

It is community support that sustains these services.  Those who wish to participate in Community Development may make a donation  payable to Sikh Dharma or 3HO.  PayPal is available for these contributions. 

The Directors reserve the right and responsibility of denying this participation to anyone who does not respect and follow the policies of Sat Tirath Ashram.  

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