Continuing Sale – Kundalini Yoga Store Special Gifts

15% off Books, Yogi Tea and the Aquarian Wisdom Daily Desk Calendar, a Zaphu & other Yoga Cushions, Soothing Touch Body Oil and Narayan Oil for Sore Muscles and Yoga Clothing.

50% OFF CDs and DVDs
The shelves at the Kundalini Yoga Center are well stocked with gifts of love and healing. A Kundalini Yoga book can open a world of understanding and inspiration for a friend or family member. Call 816 561 5337 to place your order or make an appointment for a masked and social distancing visit to our center’s Yoga Store.
Here is a sampling of some of the books we have available:
The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets – This book by Yogi Bhajan escorts the reader through the human beings most powerful organ. He says, “If you conquer your mind, you can conquer the world.”
KRIYA by Yogi Bhajan offering a master’s guide through the inspiration and uplifting power of Kundalini Yoga.
The Ten Bodies of Consciousness – by Nirvair Singh is a Guide to Self Discovery and Self Enlightenment. Includes information on Numerology and illuminates the way beyond our physical being to the nine other bodies we can use on our spiritual path.
The Kundalini Yoga Experience by Guru Dharam Singh. A comprehensive and beautiful explanation of our chakras and their influence on our mind, heart and soul.
Foods for Health and Healing by Yogi Bhajan He offers remedies and recipes and a wealth of yogic knowledge on food and health, combined with ancient Indian medical practices and his own experience as a teacher of healing arts and a master chef.
Kundalini Yoga – The Flow of Eternal Power – by Shakti Parwha Kaur, Mother of 3HO and Yogi Bhajan’s first student when he came to the USA. A simple and informative guide to the Yoga of Awareness.
Identity in Me / Owner’s Manual for the Human Body / Reaching the Me in Me / Physical Wisdom / and Self Knowledge – all by Harijot Kaur containing a wide variety of different kriyas and meditations, all taught by Yogi Bhajan. These are a treasure house of yogic knowledge.
Dying into Life / The Art of Making Sex Sacred / and The Yoga of Aging and Chronic Illness three books by Jiwan Joti Kaur, three wonderful books by one of Yogiji’s most sensitive and compassionate students. These books would be a blessing to anyone seriously traveling on a spiritual path for their lifetime.
Our Own Infinity / The Way Through Chronic Pain / and Yoga for the Brain by Puran Adesh Kaur (Elizabeth Kipp) who has lived through and conquered both pain and addiction. She has triumphed over suffering in mind, body and spirit through her life changing path.
There are several books focused on men or women specifically presenting Yogi Bhajans exhaustive teachings for each gender as well as for the raising of children.
The 2021 Aquarian Wisdom Yogi Bhajan’s Everyday Desk Calendar will inspire anyone with his daily quotes.
There are bonus discounts for volume purchases.

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