Ashram Residencies Available For Students Or Teachers

Are You Ready For A Change and A Challenge?

Sat Tirath Ashram has two recently renovated apartments available for a motivated Kundalini Yoga student(s) or Teacher(s). We (Karta Purkh and Sat Inder, at left) have served as directors and lead trainers since 1980. We are ready to train new faces and talents. Our By-laws require the new director to be a Sikh Dharma minister as per Yogi Bhajan’s instructions. He founded the ashram almost 50 years ago saying the Midwest needed a strong base in Kansas City. The name, Sat Tirath means Reflection of Truth. The ashram’s daily practice of Sadhana has been maintained since the early seventies as have yoga classes and teacher training almost as long. Both of the current directors will work with the new candidates to assure an effective transition. Candidates can be married or single but with a firm comitment to Sikh Dharma and “Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan”.
Sikh Dharma of Kansas City, Missouri is a (501)(c)3 non profit that owns the well -maintained 6,500 square foot ashram building. The property includes a large and small yoga/sadhana rooms, Gurdwara, community kitchen, one two bedroom apartment with an office (third floor), three 1 bedroom apartments and a guest room (second and first floors). There is also a separate garage, a Peace Garden, rain and vegetable gardens and a free laundry room in addition to a 16 car parking lot.
We have successfully conducted annual level one teacher trainings since 2003 and a pair of level two modules each year since 2010. Attendance has been between 5 and 12 or more students in each of the trainings. As stated above, both Karta Purkh and Sat Inder will work as they have over the years to see that Yogi Bhajan’s vision of serving the student population which has come from Missouri and Kansas as well as the five surrounding states is fulfilled.
IMPORTANT: If you would like to live a community oriented lifestyle, centered around morning sadhana, vegetarian cuisine, and a tobacco, alcohol and drug free environment, Sat Tirath Ashram may just be the place for you. We offer a peaceful atmosphere, free Wi-Fi, all utilities and an Aquarian Age vibration. Please contact   for an interview and two-way assessment. All questions answered. Residents also receive generous discounts on regular classes (free!) and on Teacher Training (Levels 1 & 2) approximately 25% off

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